AJCPP-2025 Keynote Speakers
Prof. Guang XI
Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
Title of Keynote Talk: New Methodology Development for Hundreds-parameter Aerodynamic Optimization of Centrifugal Compressors by Computer 3D Version -Aided
Introduction: Dr. Guang XI is a Professor at the School of energy and power engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, and former vice President of Xi’an Jiaotong University (2014-2024). He serves as the Director of National EngineeringResearch Center of Fluid Machinery and Compressors and the Director of Fluid Machinery National Discipline Laboratory. He is a National Expert with OutstandingContributions, a winner of National Science Fund for Distinguished YoungScholars, and an awardee of National Science and Technology Progress Award, a winnerof 16th AFMC Distinguished Engineer Award. He has published over 300academic papers and awarded over 60 invention patents on turbomachinery flows,turbomachinery design and computational fluid methods in the archival journalsand conference proceedings. His research has focused on application foundationand engineering technology development, such as internal flow in fluidmachinery, distributed energy systems with micro-gas turbine, processcentrifugal compressor in petroleum and chemical industry, compressed airstorage energy.His Majoractivities in professional associations includes: Director of the FluidMachinery Branch Committee, Chinese Engineering Thermo-physics Society; Editorialboard members for China Science(E), International Journal of Fluid Machineryand System and Editorial board member of Journal of Engineering Thermo-physicsand so on.
Prof. Seong Man CHOI
Jeonbuk National University, Korea
Title of Keynote talk:Thermal Protection System Research in Space Challenge Program
Introduction: Dr. Seong Man CHOI is a professor in Jeonbuk National University. He served as president of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers in 2023. Dr. Choi has been a professor in the Department of Aerospace Engineering at Jeonbuk National University in South Korea since 2005. He obtained his Bachelor's, Master's, and Ph.D. degrees from Seoul National University in 1987, 1989, and 1994, respectively. From 2016 to 2020, he held the position of Director of the High-Enthalpy Plasma Research Center.
The University of Tokyo, Japan
Title of Keynote talk:Smelting Metal Fuel on the Moon
Introduction: Kimiya KOMURASAKI received his Ph.D. in Aeronautics and Astronautics in1992 from the University of Tokyo, where he conducted research on ElectricPropulsion. He then joined the Nagoya University and engaged in high enthalpyplasma flows research related to reentry physics. In 1998, he moved to theUniversity of Tokyo, where he has been a professor since 2009 in theDepartments of Advanced Energy and of Aeronautics and Astronautics. He isactive in the areas of Electric Propulsion, Beamed Energy Propulsion, and LaserAluminum reduction. He served as the Editor-in-chief of JSASS journals from2014 to 2016 and the chair of the 11th Asian Joint Conference on Propulsion andPower in 2023.